Affect The World For Christ!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Whisper of God

Have you ever felt like God was restricting your success? It seems at times that everything comes to a paralyzing stop; when what looked like opportunity turned into one closed door after the other. It's enough to be frustrated and discouraged. Yet in those times God whispers His plans to us, He calls us to patience and forebearance. During times where we feel frozen in our tracks God pulls us into Himself and causes us to look at our life and our relationship with Christ. Just when we don't think there is any possibility of overcoming the obstacles, God moves and surprises us everytime.

Can you share a time when it looked like God wasn't going to respond, but then in a whisper He changed everything?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Desperate Cry

"Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!" the blind man called out to the crowd of people walking down the street. He sat on the side of the road and shouted out above the crowds in hope that Jesus would hear him. Those who were walking by kicked dust up and told him to stop shouting, yet this dear blind man shouted all the more. Jesus heard his desperate cry and called the man to himself. To be given sight and to see for the first time how ragged his clothes were, to see the dirt on his hands and the terrible shape his feet were in, as he stood before Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior, it must have been embarrassing to say the least. Jesus, however, saw past his filth and only heard the desperate cry. This blind man knew that Jesus could save him and was not going to let anyone silence his voice, and for that he received sight and followed Jesus Christ the rest of his days.

Do you have that kind of resolve in your relationship with Jesus? Are you desperate for Him?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Standing Firm or Just Kickin it for Awhile?

Over the past several months I have been talking with single Christians (at least 50). Specifically, I am asking the tough questions, "Do you date non-christians?", "What is your expectation for dating and intimacy?", "How does your faith fit in when choosing someone for your relationship?" I have been surprised to find that most men and women have very worldly views when it comes to dating and they have no problem dating an atheist or someone from another religion, they want someone with a Christian belief but not a Christ following lifestyle, there is an expectation that sex will be part of the relationship, and many are willing to lay aside their beliefs in order to get the guy or girl they want.

If a person can't stand on his/her faith when it comes to considering a life partner, then will they stand firm for anything? What ramifications do you see down the road for these decisions in our society?

Happy blogging!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome to the Inside of My Brain

Hey everyone! I created this blog to start conversations about our faith in Christ. As I read and learn I will be posing questions to all of you and asking what you think. I am hoping we will learn from one another and challenge our thinking so that we are more effective and sharing God’s love, grace, and truth with the world. So don’t hold back, tell me what you think, and let the conversation begin!


If Jesus came to save the lost, then why do we spend so much time involved in church activities and Christian events?